Wednesday, February 17, 2016

#iTeach Digital Seminar

This week I was able to attend the iTeach Digital Seminar with eTech Campus.  Our presenter, Bridget McKnight, was knowledgeable and very in-touch with what the classroom is really like. I left the training excited to implement some new tools in my classroom.  While I haven't had the chance to try these on my own, I wanted to go ahead and share the resources.  If you have a chance to try it in your classroom, please leave a comment about how it worked for your students.

Highlights: Turn online videos into interactive lessons. Videos can be taken from an online source, such as YouTube, or uploaded from your own device.  The tool allows you to add images, text, and questions to the video.  Students are then able to interact with the video through the content you add.  Students can work through the lesson individually or you can use the projector to work through it with students as they interact on their own device. 
Possible Ideas for Integration:
  • Flipped Lesson. Students could watch the video and interact with the content from home
  • Sub Plans.  Great for students to work through on days you have to be out of the classroom
  • Allow students to use Zaption as a way for them to teach the class about a concept
  • Staff Development.  Coordinators, Coaches, and other school support staff could create training videos for teachers to work through
Highlights: Take your classroom paperless by uploading any content and adding opportunities for online response.  While I was playing around with this tool, I uploaded a test I had created as a Word document and transformed it into an open-ended response form.  Students would complete the assignment and then I would be able to receive their responses digitally in a spreadsheet.  I have been waiting for this forever!
Possible Ideas for Integration:
  •  Upload tests, quizzes, and worksheets you already have created for a quick formative assessment
  • Allow students to create assessments to tests one another or use at the end of a presentation

Highlights: A great platform for teachers and students to create and explore content.  This tool is similar to Smore, however it allows for more customization.  Students can work together to create and collaborate on projects using this tool. 
Possible Ideas for Integration:
  • Introduction to a unit
  • End of unit projects
  • Teacher created resource to house information for a new concept

Highlights: This is a game based students response system.  I already love this new tool!  You can create quizzes on your own from scratch, or pull questions from a bank of public quizzes other teachers have already created. 
Possible Ideas for Integration:
  • Pre Assessment of a new topic
  • Quick formative during a lesson
  • Exit Ticket
  • Review before a test

1 comment:

  1. I like how you are giving highlights to these apps and ideas for integration! Love it!
